Writing Columns for Longest Duration (10 years) on Micro-surgical Andrology (Sexology) & Urology (WORLD RECORD)
Dr.Kammela Sreedhar s/o Sri Kammela Venkateswarlu, Urologist, Micro-surgical Andrologist & Kidney Transplant Surgeon of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India has contributed for “Andrology (Sexology) column in Telugu Newspaper “Andhra Bhoomi” in Sunday Weekly Booklet since 30-06-2002 and continued writing till August 21, 2012 ( more than 10 years 3 months). This is the Longest by any Specialist Doctor and Highest Weekly Health columns by any Leading Newspaper all over the World. He has been working for past 23 years towards increasing the social awareness on Health by conducting free Medical camps on kidney stones, kidney failure and S.T.Ds. Special drive has also been launched to eradicate H.I.V. / A.I.D.S from ‘Planet Earth’.