Kashsyapa Silpa Sasthra
A.Velu, S.Sundara Rajan, Traditional Architects, Sthapathy Advisor and Sthapathy in Endowments Deparment, Govt. Of Andhrapradesh, Hyderabad,A.P, India are the chief editors of the Book " Kashsyapa Silpa Sasthra" ( 1st part ). The editors and writers created this most valuable book which provides both the norms and qualities of Silpa Sasthra. The team consisting of K.V.S. Brahma Chary ( Translator ), K. Damodara Chary ( Temple Architect ), N.Ramakrishna Rao ( Editor Aradhana ) and others Silipi Staff Architects, P.Parameshwarappa, K.V.Gopala Krishna, K.Venkateswarlu and G.Srivani are hereby complemented